Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently disclosed in a letter that during the pandemic, he and his team faced significant pressure from the Biden administration to censor content on Facebook and Instagram.”In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed great frustration when we didn’t comply,” Zuckerberg wrote to Jim Jordan, head of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. “I believe government pressure was inappropriate.”Throughout the pandemic, the social media platform took action to censor posts that spread misinformation about Covid-19, criticized vaccines, or suggested the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory, according to The Guardian.Zuckerberg also revealed that the FBI warned the company about a “potential Russian disinformation” operation, which resulted in the temporary demotion of content related to Joe Biden’s son Hunter and the Ukrainian firm Burisma.”In hindsight, I think we made decisions that we wouldn’t make today with new information,” Zuckerberg admitted. “I regret we weren’t more vocal about it.”He stressed that the company should not compromise its content standards due to pressure from any administration. “We are prepared to push back if such pressure arises again.”Republicans have lauded Zuckerberg’s disclosures as a triumph for free speech. However, the White House defended its stance, maintaining, “Our position has been clear and consistent.”A White House spokesperson commented, “We believe tech companies and other private actors should consider the effects their actions have on the American people while making independent choices about the information they present.”The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
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