Thank you for your interest in guest blogging for ForexTV. We’ve created a system to help guide you through the process.
A word about our audience:
Because of our content diversity, our audience is broken-up into three main areas of concentration
• Retirement Intelligence Unit –The primary audience for our retirement section includes plan sponsors (professionals who run/manage their company retirement plan such as a 401k) and retirement plan advisors (those who provide advisory services to plan sponsors and their plan participants),
• Financial Markets Trading –Our primary trading audience are currency traders,
• StyleExchange –A focus on the fashion industry, enjoyment of wealth and cultural adventure
Your guest post simply needs to help our core audience in some way.
We’re looking for new ideas, strategies and techniques our readers can use today.
Ideal type of content:
You’ll move to the top of our list if you can authoritatively write on the following topics:
• Compliance & regulation issues
• Plan optimization issues
• Understanding retirement plan investments
• Retirement industry support partners (third-parties, advisors, record-keepers, etc)
• Technical or fundamental analysis
• News analysis
• Educational training
• Personal style
• Exciting lifestyle stories
• Fashion ideas
Guest posting rules:
1. You can’t advertise your product, business or service within your guest post. This means do not mention your company, or link to it, or link to your company’s blog within the guest post. The point of guest posting is to show that you are a thought leader. Your only goal should be to educate our readers on a topic that helps them out.
2. You may not link to any of your online properties within the main body of your guest post. Our readers WILL pick this up as a subliminal advertisement and simply not like your post. They won’t share it.
3. You may include a bio/signature section at the end of your post.
4. Do not include screenshots that brand your own product or online properties. This is to avoid any sense of promotion.
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